Planning guide for digital OOH
Planning guide for digital OOH
Below you can also find maps for impact zones' digital hubs. From these maps you can find the numbers of each screen, which you can use to target your materials, should you choose to do so.
Deliver your materials here: Mediaportal
For campaigns with more than 20 materials, please contact mediaportaali@jcdecaux.com about delivery dates.
If you have any questions regarding the design or guidance of screen-targeted and synchronized materials, please contact our customer service: mediaportaali@jcdecaux.com
Should you wish to target your material to a specific screen, please check the screen's number from the maps below and add it to the name of your material file.
Name the file according to the direction and screen location. For example, a material placed in the first screen downhill to the metro, named campaign name_a1.mp4.
If you wish to take advantage of screen synchronation, by for example having an element that travels from one screen to another, you can find the distances between screens from below:
Both screens can be displayed either same or different material. Please note that making use of, for example, two boxes distributed horizontal format video material both screens must be submitted with their own material.
Remember to name clearly which is left and which is the right display material.
Up-to-date availability, location maps and bus or tram shelter photos can be found in our digital visibility planning tool Digiplanner!