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Poster dimensions

The table below shows the most important dimensions per media

Media Size of printing material Posters size
  Design to size mm Visible area in design size mm Picture resolution ppi White margin mm Bleed mm Poster final size mm Poster visible area mm
Abribus/Shopper/Malls 1182 x 1735 1160 x 1710 72 - - 1182 x 1735 1160 x 1710
Public transport advertising
Long side panel 5000 x 480 5000 x 480 72 2,5 - 5000 x 480 5000 x 480
Door side panel 2500 x 480 2500 x 480 72 2,5 - 2500 x 480 2500 x 480
Mega side, tram 1420 x 1150 1420 x 1150 72 - - 1420 x 1150 1420 x 1150
Back wall, metro 2830 x 1010 2830 x 1010 72 - - 2830 x 1010 2830 x 1010
Surfaces at metro stations
Stationlight 700 x 1000 670 x 970 72 - - 700 x 1000 670 x 970